
About us

This page is here to help communicate with you as a prospective buyer. We want to provide you with information to inform your decission about purchasing a condominium in our community. Also, we want to provide all the documents and forms you will need to move forward with your purchase decision.

4 Things You Need to Know about Condominium Living at Woodlake

Woodlake is a Covenanted Condominium Community. We are governed by the Covenants, Bylaws and Rules of the Association. There are 4 things you need to know to better understand our shared living experience.

  • All the common property is managed and maintained by the Association and there are monthly dues that each owner shares for its upkeep. This includes insurance for the exterior of all the property and buildings, as well as landscaping, pool maintenance and utilities for the Clubhouse.  Each of us share equally in our part of these expenses with a monthly assessment based on the annual budget for the year. 
  • You as an individual owner are subject to an annual Rankin County Property tax based on the interior space of your unit.
  • Woodlake is a Lease Hold Property owned by the Pearl River Valley Water Supply District and an annual Lease Hold Fee similar to your property taxes is charged each year to you for your unit.
  • You are also encouraged to carry insurance on the interior space and contents of your unit separately from the policy held by the Association for the exterior.

Water Application

Lawyer’s Summary

New Resident

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Attorney Closing

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